RAR Unarchiver – Unzip RAR ZIP 3.4.0

The Unarchiver - Unzip RAR ZIP
Size:10 MB
FilesRAR_Unarchiver_Unzip_RAR_ZIP_3.4.0_MAS_In-App_TNT_Torrentmac.net.dmg [10 MB]

RAR Unarchiver – Unzip RAR ZIP 3.4.0 macOS

The Unarchiver – Unzip RAR ZIP is a very easy-to-use app that allows you to decompress dozens of archive formats. such as: Rar, Zip, 7z, Tar, Xz, Iso, Lha, bz2, Lzh, cab, cpio, jar, exe, pkg, dms, tbz, swf, Gzip, Bzip2… and it can also compress and encrypt any files to make private files more secure.

Key Features:
● Support preview and decompress dozens of archive formats.
● archive files quickly.
● Encrypt the archive file.

In-App Purchases: Unzip more formats,Encryption.

Compatibility: macOS 10.12 or later
Homepage https://geo.itunes.apple.com/app/id633344484


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