AutoBounce Auto-Bounce by Tom Salta v1.0.0 macOS
The days of manually bouncing stems in Logic Pro are over. It is the world’s first and only tool that allows you to fully automate the monotonous and time-consuming task of running stems, multi-tracks, and mixes in Logic Pro. Join the growing list of Composers, Producers, Songwriters, and Session Musicians worldwide who are enjoying the freedom of using Auto-Bounce for Logic Pro.
Bounce complete sets of stems, multi-tracks, and mixes with just a few clicks.
Bounce multiple “jobs” (mixes and stems) with different cycle ranges, bounce parameters, etc.
Bounce wet and dry stems in a single pass.
NEW! Track Lock for running stems with sidechain effects.
Create custom and dynamic naming conventions for your stems and mixes.
“Vari-End Mode” automatically avoids bouncing empty space after the last region to save even more time and disk space.
“Vari-Start Mode” automatically sets the start and end points of each bounce based on the start and end points of the regions.
Create complete multi-track archives to “future-proof” your Logic projects.
Save and load entire job sets for easy recall.
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