Parallels Desktop 20 20.0.0 (55653) Multilingual macOS
If you need to run Windows programs that aren’t available on Mac, or need to transfer data when switching from a PC to a Mac, Parallels Desktop can help you solve these problems.
Run Windows side-by-side with macOS (no reboot required) on your MacBook, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac mini, or Mac Pro. Share files and folders, copy and paste text and images, and drag and drop files between Mac and Windows apps.
Parallels Desktop automatically detects what is required to get started, so setup takes just minutes. If Windows installation is required, the user will be prompted to download and install Windows 10 or select the currently installed version of Windows, Linux, Ubuntu, or Boot Camp.
Graphics and other resource-intensive Windows applications run without sacrificing Mac system performance. Run the most resource-intensive graphics applications, such as Adobe Photoshop or Visual Studio or SketchUp, without sacrificing performance.
In Coherence mode, the Windows interface will be hidden when using applications from this operating system. If you are not used to working on a Mac, you can make the Windows window take up the entire screen, creating the feeling of working on a regular Windows computer.
Languages: Russian , English , German , Spanish , Italian , Simplified Chinese , French , Japanese
Compatibility: macOS 12 and later
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